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Hi, I'm Shaan!

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Design culturally responsive technologies to address the needs of menstrual health education and access to menstrual hygiene in the Indian context.

Designing culturally responsive technologies to address the needs of menstrual health education and access to menstrual hygiene in India.

Qualitative Research, Participatory Design

User research and usability testing of to inform better design practices for making health information on mobile interfaces more accessible to people with low health literacy skills.
Study to understand the spread of the deadly Blue Whale Challenge on social media and identify characteristics of potential victims and propagators online.
A personalized, informal question answering and doubt clearing tinder-like platform that aims to foster connectedness in the student community, bridging the gap between those who are at a learning stage in a topic and those who have gained prowess in it.
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A design project which involved creating a component library, a functional application, and video story told via the app screens.

Selected Projects

Study to understand the use of and propose re-design opportunities for spaces belonging to the Information School at UMD.
A pendant that taps into olfactory senses to evoke memories of loved ones and make one feel closer to home even when far away.
Conducted interviews with 12 to 15-year olds from lower socioeconomic backgrounds in India to understand their perceptions of selfies (& dangerous selfies) and inform guidelines for conducting research with such populations.

Upcoming Projects

Conducted in-depth interviews and analyzed an online forum, reporting on people's support-seeking, sense-making, and self-experimentation practices around PCOS.
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